Music Madness CD-ROM Volume I VOLUMES I And II now available… 640 Megabytes! The Music Madness™ CD-ROM Volume I features 640 megs of music, QuickTime examples, tools, and effects. Support is provided for System 7, QuickTime, HyperCard, AIFF, AudioShop and Sound Factory, our Tune sampling and building HyperCard interface. With the tools provided on the Music Madness CD-ROM you can utilize the 318 music and effects clips provided to build your own tunes, add sound to your Macintosh, create sound files, add sound to your multimedia projects or applications, create music effects, learn about sound, or become your own sound stage manager. Six (6) music topics are available including Jazz, Rock, Funk, Multimedia, Phrases and Effects. These files can be utilized separately or together to create your desired sound piece. All of the music was created and performed by AMUG. We composed the music, played the instruments and created the loops with Midi accuracy. The music on this CD-ROM may be utilized in your commercial or non-commercial works provided you are a registered user and give copyright credit to John Wroble for the music you use in any creations you may distribute with our sound files in them. System 7 Sounds In the Sounds folder at the main level of the Music Madness CD-ROM you will find a 22K and 11K folder. These folders contain 318 System 7 files in each format. Sounds in this format may be used for startup sounds or other functions with programs like Sound Master. These sounds may be double clicked under System 7 and they will play. Selecting a group of these files with the “command A” keystroke or using the shift key will play them in order once they are double clicked under System 7.0. Besides using System 7 to play these sounds you can use Sound Edit Pro to manipulate them along with other programs including the shareware program Sound Sampler. You can also import this format into Adobe Premier™ for use in your QuickTime™ movies. System 7 format is currently the most adaptable format for sound. AIFF Sounds For those of you that want the real high quality sound, we have provided the AIFF format files at Audio CD quality of 44K. If you have a nubus sound card such as AudioMedia™ or software based translation such as AudioShop you can hear the high quality of CD Audio in your projects. The reason we went with this format instead of just recording the tracks in audio format is that you will already have loopable sound segments at the highest quality (44K). Other projects require you to record their music and tackle the almost impossible task of creating loopable sound files without the original MIDI files and equipment. Sound Factory™ Not only have we provided over 300 great Music and Effects tracks but Sound Factory™ is a great audition and creation tool in its own right. And it’s included FREE with the Music Madness CD-ROM series. Sound Factory allows you to choose between five (5) Music topics including, Jazz, Rock, Funk, Multimedia, or Effects in 22K or 11K formats. How Do I Use Sound Factory? First double click on Sound Factory. Then select a topic by pushing its button. You can now select and try the tunes listed on the left hand side of the stack individually or play them all. Next, you can select the sound or sounds you wish to add to the play list on the right side and push the add button. You will be asked for the number of repeats for the loop. You may put any number from 1-99 in the box. Select the next sound file you wish to place in the sequence and it repeats. You do this until your tune is built. You may then push the “Play My Tune” button and hear the sequence of music. To stop playing any sound or group of sounds just push the “command period” keystroke. If you decide to change the number of repeats for a sequence you can click on the repeat field and it will prompt you for the new number of repeats you desire. Once you find the grouping you like best you can save it to your hard drive by pushing the Save... button. A dialog box will appear with the name of the stack appended to the file name. Select the untitled portion of the name, type your new name and push the Save... button. To play the selection again just push the Load... button. Remember that the music files you save must be played back by the same exact stack that they were created within. When you save your selection it will give you a default name including info as to which stack created it. Keep that info with the name so you do not have difficulty later trying to play your creation. If you try to play this sound file with the wrong stack Music Madness will notify you of the error. The Sound Factory interface on the Music Madness CD-ROM can give you hours of creative enjoyment. With the ability to create your own tunes and play them back your imagination is the limit to what you can do with the Music Madness CD-ROM. License Individuals or companies may utilize the music on Music Madness in commercial or non-commercial use provided the user is a registered user with AMUG and that all applications or uses contain copyright credit acknowledging John Wroble/AMUG for any part or portion of the music used. The copyright notice must appear in the “about box” or where other credits are listed. QuickTime™ QuickTime is provided on this CD-ROM for your use and is licensed from Apple Computer. To use QuickTime simply drop the init on your System folder and System 7 will place it in the correct folder. We have also included several QuickTime movies with Music Madness sounds for your demonstration. You may view these movies with the Simple Player provided. A Must Have for Anyone Interested in Sounds or Multimedia! If you enjoy playing sounds on your Macintosh (and who doesn’t!), you’ll love Music Madness. To get your 640 Megabyte Sound Library, call or fax us to order Music Madness today! How to order: Music Madness Volume I CD-ROM retails for $99.00 but you can get it for only $74.95 from Insanely Great Software. Phone: 800-368-5195 or 303-872-8651. (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Mail: Adam Stein, Insanely Great Software, 126 Calvert Ave. E., Edison, NJ 08820 Email: AdamStein on AOL, 71140,2051 on Compuserve, and on the Internet. Fax: 908-632-1766 Checks and money orders should be made payable to Insanely Great Software. We accept Visa and MasterCard.